About Me

group, therapy, counseling

Hi, I am Kim Rusthoven


I am a mom of a child with sensory concerns. While he doesn’t have a formal diagnosis of SPD, we believe he has it and he is receiving Occupational Therapy for it. 

My education and experience is in the Intellectual Disability / Developmental Disability field. I began in the field when I was 18 years old, providing habilitation services for my autistic brother. Since then, I have worked in home with children with disabilities, worked as a para in elementary special education classrooms, and provided case management for kids and adults with disabilities.  

I have provided services and I am now a parent of a child receiving services. Sensory Processing Disorder is still not fully recognized or understood, and navigating everything is a challenge. I started this blog to help other parents of children with sensory concerns. I hope to offer information and support. 

Thank you for visiting my blog! 

Kimberley signature


Experience in ID/DD

graduation, black, cap


Master's in Psychology

baby, child, family

4 years


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